A website calling itself ‘Debunking 9/11 Conspiracy Theories’ seems to have certain characteristics that look suspiciously like neoconservative propaganda websites. Even the opening background colour is almost identical to the old Project for the New American Century website indicating, perhaps, that the same webmaster is behind this website.
debunking9/ is a very sophisticated, extensive and professionally put together website that clearly has had a lot of expensive expertise poured into it. It goes to extraordinary lengths to attempt to debunk the evidence that has presented itself on the internet over the last seven years as an alternative to the US government’s version of the events of 9/11, but – and this is where the site gives itself away – it doesn’t attempt to debunk just some aspects of the new evidence that has been presented, but it tries to debunk every bit of it. It is that characteristic that defines it as a propaganda site rather than a site that is scientifically objective with its arguments.
But what really gives it away is the rhetoric and tone of the narrative, which is presented in a pseudo-technical pseudo-academic way, but which is transparently intermingled with outright neoconservative propaganda which has nothing to do with the events of 9/11.
Take, for example, this on the ‘Osama bin Laden’ page of their website:
“Conspiracy theorists like to say ‘Some Arabs with box cutters couldn't have pulled this off.’ Let's forget for a minute how racist that statement is”.
Firstly, of course, one needs to ask; what conspiracy theorists like to say ‘Some Arabs with box cutters couldn't have pulled this off’? Trying to cast those that doubt the US government’s official version of the events of 9/11 as ‘racists’ is a classic neoconservative tactic used because of the connotations of the word ‘racist’ has with ‘anti-Semitism’.
The other classic attribute that gives the website its distinctive neoconservative characteristic is the way it attempts to belittle and demonise those that advocate alternative scenarios to the events of 9/11. The website even has a page dedicated to attacking Professor Steven E. Jones and Professor David Ray Griffin as well as others that have put forward ideas that are not in line with the government’s version of events.
One has to ask who has paid for this professionally put together and very sophisticated yet transparently propagandising website. Only dedicated neoconservatives with a political agenda of trying to prevent the truth of the events of 9/11 being exposed would go to such great lengths as producing such an obvious propaganda website. One can only assume that those seeking the truth must be on to something for the neocons to put this much effort into trying to prevent the truth from being revealed.
To anonymous,
Your a squirrel, and you like to eat nuts.
Name calling does not prove anything except to disqualify your opinion. Opinions are not facts.
You've hit right on the head, that debunking site is just twisted propaganda. It's also relatively easy to debunk because they tell so many lies.
The site had a forum a couple years ago, but after i debunked their silly explanation for the plane disappearing into the pentagon they removed the forum.
Explain how a jumbo jet flies into an area under COMPLETE surveillance without there being ONE photograph of it. Not one bystander got a photo either.
To the "dedicated debunker" who does not get paid for his erroneous lies, you are the nut.
You lie, for free.
Even Jeff Gannon got $225.00 per hour, or $1,200.00 per night for his services.
I suppose a nut, like yourself, is not worth getting paid.
Any way that you look at it, it is obvious that 9/11 was a controlled demolision, and the agents behind this were allied with the Mossad boyz from "URBAN MOVING SYSTEMS".
Those agents or assigns of Dominik Suter were HAPPY when our Towers fell, so much so that they were laughing, lighting BIC lighters for encores and generally exposing themselves for the thugs that they are.
You cover for them>?
You are a nut.
To the "dedicated debunker" who does not get paid for his erroneous lies, you are the nut.
You lie, for free.
Even Jeff Gannon got $225.00 per hour, or $1,200.00 per night for his services.
I suppose a nut, like yourself, is not worth getting paid.
Any way that you look at it, it is obvious that 9/11 was a controlled demolision, and the agents behind this were allied with the Mossad boyz from "URBAN MOVING SYSTEMS".
Those agents or assigns of Dominik Suter were HAPPY when our Towers fell, so much so that they were laughing, lighting BIC lighters for encores and generally exposing themselves for the thugs that they are.
You cover for them>?
You are a nut.
"Dedicated terrorists with boxcutters". This phrase has been bandied around since the day itself. But where did the "boxcutters" story come from? Answer: The cellphone calls that Barbara Olson made from Flight 77 to her husband, former Solicitor General Ted Olson, describing the alleged hijackers. Accordong to the official story, these were the only phonecalls from any of the 4 flights that mentioned "boxcutters".
The big problem: According to the FBI, in the trial of Zararias Moussaoui, those alleged phone call never happened. Oh dear. Ted Olson was lying.
I looked at debunking 911 and it pointed to a site that attempts to debunk ae911truth, which is a site made by architects and engineers. The site "debunking" ae911truth is written by a voice writer and actor, and I presume his training did not involve engineering. Yet this "debunking" site attacks ae911truth first by saying they are outside their field of expertise. Obviously such a site would have great appeal to those with no logic skills or cannot tell sleet from shinola. Anyone who looks into 911 with an open mind would find the official story to be full of holes. After all, if the Air Force told the 911 committee 3 different stories, at least two of those are necessarily lies. And why would the Air Force lie?
Silverstein's Quote:
"I remember getting a call from the Fire Department commander, telling me they were not sure they were gonna be able to contain the fire, and I said, you know, 'We've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is just pull it.' And they made that decision to pull and then we watched the building collapse."
"smartest thing to do is just pull it ..."
The key word is "it" the building is an "it" BUT the fire-fighters are not 'it', they are either "them" or "team" or "fighters" .. any thing BUT "it"- people cannot be "it". If he was talking about the Fire-fighters he'd have said-
"...smartest thing to do is just pull them out."
I know for an absolute fact that all "Debunking 911" sites are total crap. I've looked into every facet and every letter........ and explored every link and not one of their arguments has any basis in reality. They are nothing more than strawman arguments and un educated oppinion stated as scientific fact with no actual evidence to back up anything that is stated there. Which is why there is no room for comments or questions at all......... just try.......... I have. Even the email address's of the site creators are bogus. That tells me alot right there. So "9 11 debunkers"....... grow a pair of balls and allow some debate on your sites or get off the @#$#%*! stage.
It's interesting to note that the picture on the home page of the debunking site is of the top of the south tower leaning over as it comes apart; elementary physics says 'an object in motion tends to stay in that motion unless acted upon by an outside force".(newton's first law) if that top of the tower had continued in it's motion, it would have landed well out of the area it eventually did come down in, just like the top of a tall tree when you 'top' it and cut off it's top: it would fall well away from the base of the tree. Some other ouside force turned the top of the tower into dust before it could topple much further, as seen in videos of that day. whatever that forece was, it surely wasn't fire.
In another forum. I asked supporters of the official 911 story for a site that provides supporting evidence.
One came back with the 911debunker site. My answer was, no I don't want to look at he said-she said arguments, just show me the evidence for the official view.
No answer.
Again, let's simply see the evidence for the official case, evidence that would hold up in court.
I'd love see the debunkers at debunking9/ try and debunk
this, this or THIS
truthisalie, you do not seem to have any intelligence to actually insult.
dubunking intelligence
no plane Pentagon shill
nonsense agent disinfo
melted boxcutters
aluminum steel depleted uranium
witnesses actors fakes cell phones
direct eutectic explosives
molten passport energy
computer generated cia theory
Well, well isn't it interesting what the Zionists have been up to. Can you imagine their terror at the consequence of the American public discovering that we were really attacked by that ugly little monster
Israel with the help of traitors in our midst?
Anonymous right above missed one...
I've taken the Popular mechanics' Debunking 9/11 document, and I've exposed it for the toilet paper that it is.
The site that is the subject of this posting seems to be headed by one Michael Shermer, Mr. Skeptic Magazine himself.
Gatekeep much, Mikey Boy?
The main problem is that we have a number of individuals ensconced within our government who DO NOT PLACE AMERICA 1st, 2nd and LAST in their lists of priorities!
No more SPIES!
Cut off Jonathan Pollard's head...and make Alan Dershowitz catch the head.
And last, but not least...GET AMERICA BACK FOR AMERICANS!!!
That is one of the funniest things I have ever read. This was a parody, right?
People, James B, that write the kind of comment that you have posted I find are actually more than likely to be a bit worried that what has been said as being a bit too close to the truth for their liking and that their gut instinct is to come out with a comment like: "That is one of the funniest things I have ever read. This was a parody, right?" in a effort to cover their discomfort of the truth being exposed.
One needs to ask, James B, what it is so-called ‘9/11 truthers’, paranoid or otherwise, may expose that you fear.
The truth perhaps?
I’m also wondering what Alex Jones being appointed Attorney General in a McCain administration has to do with the current price of epoxy resin around at the local boatyard.
Furthermore, if the likes of us seeking the truth are known as ‘truthers’, would it not be reasonable to assume that the likes of you, who wish to prevent the truth from being exposed, should be known as ‘liars’, or, at least, supporters of lies?
I’m also wondering what Alex Jones being appointed Attorney General in a McCain administration has to do with the current price of epoxy resin around at the local boatyard.
It is called a simile genius. Evidently you were gone the day they taught that concept in 3rd grade.
Again, James B, you expose yourself to be the propagandist I asserted those associated with the debunking9/11 site are – you avoid the idea of actually having to discuss anything that provides objective argument in favour of simplistically attempting to belittle those you attempt to ‘debunk’.
One wonders what it is that motivates people like yourself to spend their every waking moment so intensely trying to prevent the truth from being exposed.
Whether or not the Government was complicate in the events that allowed September the 11th terror attacks (Even though Al-Qaeda was created by the United States Military to engage Russian soldiers) the end result is far worse then anyone could possibly imagine.
Americans can now torture innocent Canadians and your "freedoms" government found guilty of breaking the laws to do so, and never have to worry about any justice system from stopping you or hold you accountable.
America has a fondness for dictators.
So it's kinda funny how America doesn't realize it's own government has been hi-jacked, all freedoms to be ended, anyday now, her liberty and justice and democracy, a facade. As fake as any puppet dictatorship you've groomed and had killed later-on.
Fact is the people in the Bush government had written down and distributed (PNAC) it to all your people to prepare for an event that would probably involve planes crashing and would be used to launch wars in the Middle-East. No mention on wanting to stop this from occurring, which makes the Neo-Conservatives an accomplice.
America , without a doubt, is the war whore the bible warns mankind to watch out for. The great whore of Babylon shall fall, and all those who partook in her grand standing and good times shall mourn and cry when she goes broke.
The prophets state that the land of Iraq is the actual Garden of Eden.
Looks like the satanic serpent has returned to reclaim it's home.
Great article...
I agree 100% with your conclusions.
But remember there are always two sides to this type of op.
You also get the "crazy" plants, that these guys feed off.
...and never forget that a coin has an edge... This is a much more subtle entity in the overall op, this group sit with the real truth movement, their task is to make certain parts of the investigation divisive and controversial.
They use both sides of the coin (pseudo debunking and crazies) to steer genuine investigators away from areas of 9/11 that are considered important to maintain a cover-up.
This includes investigating the Pentagon incident, alleged plane passengers etc.
Both the above examples, are in my opinion more than valid aspects of any proper investigation, no aspect of the 9/11 investigation should be considered taboo, as this would only serve to restrict and limit the investigation.
Best wishes
Indeed, Veritas. One must always be aware of those that attempt to detract from objective argument in order to push derisive propaganda and rhetoric.
Kind regards
I am one of several people behind both the sites, (good catch) as well as several other sites, including a few of the more popular "conspiracy" sites. Disinformation is a very fun endeavor, and boy does it work! Easily 75% of what you "truthers" think you know about 9/11 is only in your heads because we wanted it there.
I also maintain the email and phone intercept transcriptions databases. Without outing you completely, let me say you have some seriously odd tastes in adult entertainment.
Above is a classic example of the extent to which the dumb and gullible debunker loons can become desperate.
Stupidity bordering on psychosis.
The most important question you should ask of is whether it can account for the forensic evidence that proves the Twin Towers and World Trade Centre 7 were demolished using controlled demolition. Central to this evidence is the literal smoking gun of the molten steel found under all three buildings.
When one takes a good look at the arguments being put forward at debunking911, with regard to the molten steel, you can clearly see the answers they provide, although long and well articulated, UTTERLY FAIL to account for the specific phenomena observed.
The site dishonestly engages in a whitewash of the molten steel evidence claiming that the yellow-orange colouring of the steel (seen in particular photographs and indicating its temperature is within an extraordinarily hot range of 845-1080 degrees celsius) was a product of a steam reaction to already hot steel beams. What a joke !
It was postulated that there was enough hydrogen produced in this unusual reaction, and also enough oxygen in the rubble pile, to keep feeding the fires for 6 weeks at a staggering 900 degrees celsius !
The end of the article further helps to mislead the reader by contending that official reports had accounted for superhot fire temperatures and that pockets of the WTC fires were at 1000 degrees celsius. The fact that the NIST report could provide no evidence of 1000 degrees fires, and that observations made of the fires themselves showed them to be within the range of typical office fires, ranging from 600-700 degrees, is conveniently overlooked.
Furthermore, the debunking911 site also neglects the fact that superheated steel was observed under WTC7 - a massive skyscraper that also collapsed on the day and was not hit by any airliners. There were no "raging infernos" inside that building yet there was molten steel.
From eyewitness accounts we know there were literally tons of molten metal in the rubble pile. In some instances it was described as "lava" or like in a "foundry." Huge beams were seem dripping steel as they were pulled from the ground. There are photos of cooled beams that have had their ends melted off. This sort of phenomena is far beyond what is described at, and can ONLY be produced in blast furnaces or through the use of explosive incendiary devices. Clearly the rubble pile was not a blast furnace.
On this point dealing with the forensic evidence, is obviously a centre for very clever disinformation. Ultimately, the scientific evidence proving 911 was an inside jobs is beyond doubt.
@Damian Lataan
Great article Damien. Keep writing, you're doing good work.
The only reason why it's been spammed by these idiotic comments is because of "Screw Loose Change Blog"
The negative comments here were placed by idiots from that blog, who love to harras people, threaten their murder and so forth.
So, don't let these morons discourage you, they just have no lives and no sentient thought - it's all about worshiping the Lord Dick Cheney for them.
Keep in mind that they call themselves 'Rationalists', which shows how numbingly stupid they are.
I've used the phrase "19 Arabs with boxcutters" before, to demonstrate how ridiculous the "official story" is. Think about it. What a masterful plan brought about the destruction of every single one of the World Trade Center buildings (but no others) plus the curiously localized damage to the Pentagon. Is that something that 19 Arabs with boxcutters under the leadership of a man in a cave with kidney failure should be able to do?
I don't consider myself a racist and I am certainly not a neocon, and I definitely believe that what we saw on 9/11 was a false flag operation perpetrated by an organization of people who could care less about America and who care even less than that about Arabs or Iraqis or any other people on the planet.
I don't think you can use that as a reason for labeling the site as neocon propaganda. It probably is neocon propaganda, but that's not a good reason.
Some anonymous tool scribbled: "He got called for making one of the most illogical, paranoid posts, and is now the laughing stock of the real word."
"Damian's been the laughing stock of the real world for quite a while now. Sadly, as a conspiracy theorist and anti-Semitie his writing continues to get some attention in the darker areas of the internet. He's taken seriously nowhere and his second-class PhD program is a joke in the academy."
How the hell do YOU know what the "real world" thinks of Damian? Why can't you simply address the facts of his postings: that we have a fifth column installed in our government, our media and our lives, who live to subvert our great nation?
Michael Shermer is nothing but a prevaricator...and you should get the hell out of the United States if you don't support this country.
Think about it. What a masterful plan brought about the destruction of every single one of the World Trade Center buildings (but no others)
What about St Nicholas Church and the Deutsche Bank Building?
A dead give away debunking911 is cointelpro is that they provide links to sites who attack no-planers. Which is exactly why the no-plane theory was created. The no-plane nuts represent themselves as being a part of the truth movement, when in fact, they are not. Defunct debunking sites like debunking911 are created to attack these disinformants, supposedly disproving the entire truth movement. attacks the truth movement because they don’t want you to question the events of 9/11. What exactly is wrong with questioning your reality? Why don’t they want you to research the information the sites they attack, provide? If the official story (the story debunking911 promotes) is exactly what had happened, why do they feel the need to create a site dedicated to telling you that others are wrong and what they tell you is the complete truth? When in fact, the sites they attempt to debunk advise their visitors to research the facts for themselves. I took that advice, because it is common sense. And through my own research, I created TruthgoneWild blog, because the research uncovers the truth, and opens your eyes. Remember, Truth has proof, so do the research yourself and come to your own conclusions about the events of 9/11.
"Remember, Truth has proof, so do the research yourself and come to your own conclusions about the events of 9/11."
What proof? The conspiracy theorists believe in their crackpot theories because they want to believe in them, because they resonate with their "America is evil world view" not because they are factual. There is no credible evidence to back up this nonsense. Claiming "the towers didn't fall the way I say they should have" is not evidence, it is ideological view masquerading as evidence.
"What exactly is wrong with questioning your reality?"
Only one reality exists.
my blog is better
Now that Damian has come face to face with rational people who condemn his failure to think, it is time for him to apologize to all of us for insulting out intelligence.
Truthisalie, I have still yet to find any intellgence from the supporters of lies and 'debunkers' that actually can be insulted. All I've had so far from you and your neocon friends is plain insults - none of which has been remotely intelligent.
Dan Stanley, how will we ever know that your blog is better if you don't link to it?
When it comes to 911, Americans do have a fear of the answers. It means the lie is living amongst the good people who thought government was on the same side.
One of the simpliest lies I thought was Condi telling American's how they never expected a plane to be used as a weapon against the government.
Did they forget about September 12, 1994?
Seems all Americans forgot about that day.
Why it was the day a man crashed his plane into the Whitehouse.
Almost 7 years to the day, 9/11 was allowed to be carried out.
My guess is most Americans hate being thought of as the bad guy, but if you are, then you're gonna be the biggest and bad'st mother fuckers on the planet.
Your own government stole 3 trillion bucks from the "war star of death" (pentagon) and no one cares.
So long as the lie isn't too obvious, then most people can live beside it.
Anonymous above, you've nailed the essense of what this is really all about. It is indeed the fear of discovering that the 'good guys' aren't the 'good guys' after all and that, worse still, those who you thought were the 'good guys' are in fact even worse than the 'bad guys' they were supposed to be protecting you from.
In short, it is the realisation that your own government is the monster that they have been telling you to fear most. The fear then is; once exposed as the real monster, there can never be any faith again in that government nor the system that created it.
I've deleted your post Wildy; I don't play host to neocons and their paranoid supporters.
Did you at least read what I had to say?
Seems funny that someone who complains about some sort of conspiracy that is acting to censor information censors information.
I did indeed read what you wrote, and I found it utterly devoid of any intellectual substance. Instead I saw only insults and the ravings of a person who seems obsessively paranoid about the idea of any discussion of alternatives to the US governments official fairy story about the events of 9/11.
What exactly is it that you fear so much that you need to devote an entire blog to your paranoia in your obsessive attempts to debunk new evidence showing the government has lied? Your seething contempt and hatred is almost palpable. Absent entirely is any calm and well thought out evidence supporting your rantings. What is it you fear so much about the truth?
You wrote:
I did indeed read what you wrote, and I found it utterly devoid of any intellectual substance.
What do you mean by intellectual substance? Are you actually accusing me of being intellectually dense considering what you wrote?
You wrote:
Instead I saw only insults and the ravings of a person who seems obsessively paranoid about the idea of any discussion of alternatives to the US governments official fairy story about the events of 9/11.
Care to point out the insults?
Care to point out my supposed paranoia?
You wrote:
What exactly is it that you fear so much that you need to devote an entire blog to your paranoia in your obsessive attempts to debunk new evidence showing the government has lied?
Actually my entire blog isn't devoted to 9/11 CTists.
You wrote: Your seething contempt and hatred is almost palpable. Absent entirely is any calm and well thought out evidence supporting your rantings. What is it you fear so much about the truth?
So the sites that I linked to showing that there are CTists that say "Some Arabs with boxcutters couldn't have pulled this off" isn't evidence?
Then again this is a pot calling the kettle black situation, considering that your post is devoid of evidence as well.
Wildy, why do you keep coming back to me with your pathetic pleas for me to argue with you? You have nothing whatsoever to discuss with me.
You write: “So the sites that I linked to showing that there are CTists that say "Some Arabs with boxcutters couldn't have pulled this off" isn't evidence?” Evidence of what? It means nothing and proves nothing except your obsessive desperation to prove… well, what?
When you can offer argument that isn’t based on some political predisposition and is, instead, thoroughly founded on sound scientific and academic principle (assuming, of course, that you are suitably qualified) then we might, just might, have something to discuss.
Lets look at things in a historical perspective.
Even though world war 3 is now ontop of us. Wars don't really seem to accomplish much. War does make bankers happy and some people very wealthy, those in the production lines.
But when it comes to never learning from history, other than killing-off compassion and some of the natural elements (besides human beings), war makers always end up outdistancing themselves.
Whatever this New World Order wants, be it to harvest souls or try to re-live the fantasy that it is all powerful. It's very foundation cannot carry it's own weight. They never can and they always fall. That's the natural part of things.
America's burden is not so much EGO, but the belief it is chosen by God to take oil from other lands, simply because it is yours.
They just happen to be standing over it.
I wouldn't be surprised at all if THIS site turned out to be disinfo set up by debunkers to make 9/11 investigators look bad.
Next you're going to say that because you can find the same fonts and colors on some Microsoft and Apple webpages, they're really the same company.
Mr. Lataan,
I thought that I made it quite clear on my post, assuming that you read it, that you made a fallacious argument with the "arabs with boxcutters".
What makes me laugh is that although you claim that I am not making an argument from a scientific and academic principle when you clearly have failed to do so. Unless a scientific argument relies on conjecture and lack of evidence.
Wildy, I have absolutely no interest in your obsessive paranoid ravings.
I take it you are a benign kindly jewish person, and that you just can't hold back the pent up anger and fear.
I'll try to keep this above first grade name calling, nor go the way of intimidation, please forgive me if I step back. I want to be better than that. We know the truth hurts.
Benevolent implies a charitable inclination to do good.
[How is it jews came up with the theory they are God's chosen?]
jews also wrote that only Noah and his family made it out alive after the great flood. So where do the Asians and Africans fit into this tale?
I have a Chritian background. But not all of us are walking jew worshippers.
In fact, I have cursed the land of Israel almost every Sunday I went to church. [ I figured this would be a step up]
[and to the shillers and art interviewers} = As the devil gets ready to haul you're unsaved souls to hell, I ask that you stop burning down churches and burning the New Testaments. It might keep you from going to the lowest levels of Hades (those worms are pretty nasty)until the final judgement when you end being stuck with this world that you so love and want. As it shall be engulfed by a super nova sun.
I know, I know. I'm no interpleader.
But then, it is the Harold Wallace's and those Rosenthal interviee's (76), who make it quite clear that jews are Christianity's greatest foe.
jews seem to enjoy terrorizing christians, and God is gonna put a stop to that.
So please stop it. Just get on your knees, thank Jesus for being your Lord and Saviour and seek Gods forgiveness. Do it now.
Revid, the original suggestion from the so-called debunkers was that ‘many would argue that Arabs with box cutters could not have pulled this off’ inferring that those that made such arguments were racists and, because they were Arabs, they therefore could not have ‘pulled it off’. I’m suggesting that this inference is a deliberate attempt to cast those that offer alternative scenarios to the events of 9/11 as racists in an effort to detract from any objective argument.
I simply asked: Who had suggested that Arabs with box cutters could not have pulled this off?
We who offer alternative scenarios to the governments suggest THE Arabs, that is those particular Arabs that the government has accused of doing the deed could not have done what they were accused of doing. No one, however, has said that Arabs as a race of people are incapable of pulling this off.
Let me reiterate; no one has said ‘that Arabs with box cutters couldn’t have pulled it off’, but many have said that those particular Arabs with box cutters that were accused of the deed could not have done so - or, at least, not in the way that the government is trying to tell us they did. There’s nothing racist about that at all, indeed, it is the government and their supporters that are being racist by suggesting that they were Arabs that were responsible for the events of 9/11 in the first place.
I always delete comments that insult just for the sake of insulting or are irrelevant. I really couldn't care less what names anyone wants to call me; it's not about me, it's about exposing lies and those that support them.
The first commenter to this thread wrote: "I'm a dedicated debunker, and I'm not on the government payroll." The commenter then added, "You don't believe that because you're a nut."
What makes you think I don't believe you? More importantly, however, is, if you are not on the payroll then why are you so dedicated? What is your other motive for being so obsessively dedicated?
Mr. Lataan,
You wrote:
I simply asked: Who had suggested that Arabs with box cutters could not have pulled this off?
I provided you with evidence, and pointed out that your argument was fallacious.
You accuse me of being a paranoid nut.
Funnily enough, you also answered you own question in that comment. Who says that Arabs with boxcutters couldn't have pulled this off?
You did.
You wrote:that is those particular Arabs that the government has accused of doing the deed could not have done what they were accused of doing.
Ladies and Gentleman, someone else who says that Arabs with boxcutters couldn't have done it.
Wildy, you can phrase and twist it which ever way you like, the fact remains that no one has said that Arabs generally couldn’t have done it simply because they are Arabs as you are deceitfully attempting to imply, which, incidentally, is the true meaning of ‘fallacious’.
I’m saying that people with boxcutters, Arabs or otherwise, couldn’t have done it – at least not on their own or without other considerable help.
So, you see, it’s not me that is being fallacious, it is, in fact, you.
Now, unless you can come up with substantive, clear and logical argument with evidence to support your claims that events of 9/11 were as the government has claimed then do not waste my time with any more of this childish nonsense. If you do then I will simply delete your comments and then you can go off and tell those other paranoid morons that inhabit your tiny world that Lataan censors free speech or some such. I’m sure all those ‘debunker‘ sites out there will be more than happy to accommodate your obsessive rantings.
You were warned Wildy. I'm not interested in your pedantic 'you said' and 'I said' garbage; it goes nowhere.
I don't think he cares.
It seems to me Edwards, that it is you that keeps coming here to this blog flailing around like a punch drunk cornered rat.
You say: "We wait for Damian to begin providing any evidence whatsoever for his claim which is the title of this thread:
You need wait no longer.
Go to your own site,, and the first thing that comes up is your fawning adoration of arch neocon and warmonger David Frum. And you’re trying to tell me that isn’t a neocon site? You are a lying fraud Edwards.
Wildy, you’re quite right; I don’t care at all about anything you and your right-wing liar supporting friends have to say
Damian Lataan:
"I’m saying that people with boxcutters, Arabs or otherwise, couldn’t have done it – at least not on their own or without other considerable help."
So why mention Arabs with boxcutters, just say people with boxcutters. If you are going to be that descriptive and mention their race then there is a reason for that and most people will assume that it is to convey that they cannot pull of a sophisticated plan.
Also, why do you think that people with boxcutters could not have pulled it off? Can you explain this in depth rather than just stating that you don't "think" they could have done it?
Revid, it was the US government that first told us that they were Arabs. Perhaps you should write a little note to Bush and mention that the government is racist because it was they that identified them as 'Arabs'.
Other than that, I'm not going to waste any more of my time arguing with you. I've proved my point; is a neocon propaganda site.
Looks like you neoCON losers have ended your ad-hominem attack...could that be because you're raking up whatever coinage you have laying about?
You now realize that your scumbaggery is about to be at an time for stupid banter and semantics.'ve shown amazing fortitude in not just going off on these enablers of EVIL.
Yes...B.J, wildy, the various anon are all SCUMBAGS OF THE HIGHEST ORDER.
The best thing you freaks can do is to give all of your worldly goods to a mission or charity...and then go suck some exhaust.
Hanover, the salivating dogs of 911debunking have indeed called off their ad hominen attacks against me - well, at least for now they have. They must have realised that they weren't going to get a free feed here.
This is a quote that I run into alot............
"We wait for (fill in your name here)to begin providing any evidence whatsoever for his claim which is the title of this thread:
None is forthcoming. Why not? Well, Truthers never have to provide evidence. They don't have to answer questions. It is their God-given right never to be challenged. Truthers, in their self-deceit, believe they "are only asking questions," never, ever having to demonstrate their claims with evidence."
Evidence!?......... the nerve of these @#*&%#@ people! Look it up in any high school text book, I had to........Look up not just the melting point of high grade steel.......... look up the temprature at which high grade steel disintegrates. The temp at which millions of welds and bolts throughout two 110 story office buildings disintegrate. Then look up the average temperature of an office fire. Now........ You might have to do some math at this point and this is where I lose alot of you @#*&#@ "Debunker" people.
Next...... forget about these bolts they elude to on your precious "Debunking 9 11 truth" (So called). The entire structure was welded together. After the horizontal and vertical cross members were welded the "weakend bolts" no longer mattered as much as is stated in the NIST report. Ask any steel worker............ with experience........working with steel. Also...... look up the local building codes at that time and get yourself a copy of the blue prints for the WTC complex. Then build yourself a to scale model out of steel...weld it all together... and make it disitagrate before our very eyes. Go ahead snip a quarter of the beams in the upper part of your model, then light a small fire above that........ I'll wait if you need some time. >:(
Of course while your diligently proving me wrong here you should keep in mind the fact that structurally each section of the WTC buildings were distict and separate from the other sections.......... look at it as three different buildings on top of eachother. The lower two sections of each building were more than sufficiant to carry the load of the lighter upper section no matter what was going on up there.
OH and while your doing all of this "debunking" research also keep in mind that with all of thier millions, NIST COULDN'T DO IT........ so ....... them out and prove me and thousands of years of science and engineering wrong....doing nasty blog posts ......... in your gay thong underware.....tell me are they red, white, and blue?
Great article, Damian!
For anyone who is still brainwashed enough to actually BELIEVE the 'official' story, here is great documentary for you to watch, I've posted it at the very bottom. Over 30 THOUSAND architects and engineers, 9 THOUSAND of them with PhD's, officially coming out AGAINST the official story, they don't use some 'conspiracy theory,' a phrase some of you mindless, fluoride addled, MSM fed zombies like to parrot because you're told to by your government, they just present cold, hard FACTS, which are simply undeniable no matter how hard you try. This 'Debunking 911' website is baseless as well as fact-less and skews things beyond recognition and subverts a readers thoughts away from the actual evidence.
Here is the link, watch it, you can't deny any more that there is more to this event that the 'official story' from the Gov't and NIST claims.
Hell yeah... i love this momemnt .. so i so real like this moment .. i love you and i need you always ... oke ..
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