It seems that the Israeli military have been caught out – yet again – in a lie. The highly contentious deaths of innocent Palestinians on a Gaza beach some two weeks ago by a shell lobbed by the Israelis from an Israeli ship off-shore had subsequently been denied by the Israelis on account of the timing of the firing of the shell relative to the time of the explosion. The Israelis claimed that the explosion occurred at a specific time well after the round had been fired and 10 minutes, according to the Israelis, after the time the shell would have impacted.
Ambulance logs AND hospital logs AND cell-phone records tell a completely different story; a story that confirms that the blast on the beach occurred just moments after the Israelis had fired off the round.[1] All these independent logs, particularly the automatic computer generated phone record, all demonstrate that the Israelis not only lied to deflect blame but DELIBERATELY lied by doctoring their own log records.
Naturally, Australia’s own liars and deceivers based at Webdiary, Messrs. Will Howard, Geoff Pahoff, et al, all supported the lie in their attempt to demonise the Palestinians.
I also note over at Webdiary that Pahoff has unilaterally declared that the death of 12 year-old Mohamed al-Dura back in September 2000 was not caused by IDF terrorists.[2] Pahoff actually uses a pro-Zionist propaganda website[3] as ‘evidence’ to support the lie that Palestinian gunmen deliberately set up the incident in order to blame the Israelis.[4]
Sounds like a familiar story?
One wonders how Pahoff’s crazed logic is going to account for the deaths of several children and innocent Palestinian civilians over the past few days in the Gaza caused by Israeli terrorists operating strike aircraft.
The reality is that no matter who squeezed the trigger, if Israeli terrorists had not been on lands that did not belong to them in the first place then Mohamed al-Dura would still be alive today.
Just as an aside, is there not a rather pathetic irony in the way President Bush compares the 1956 Hungarian uprising with what’s happening in Iraq?[5] The Hungarian uprising is actually a superb analogy of what is happening in Iraq today – only not in the sense that Bush thinks.
The Hungarian uprising was about an insurgency of the people fed up with their puppet government and the foreign power that dominated it – isn’t that exactly what is happening in Iraq today?
[1] Dion Nissenbaum, ‘New evidence raises questions about Israel’s role in beach explosion’, Knight Ridder Newspapers, 21 June 2006. Available online: Accessed 23 June 2006.
[2] Geoff Pahoff, ‘Media And The ‘Left’ Murder Truth In Cold Blood’, Webdiary, 22 June 2006. Available online: Accessed 23 June 2006.
[3] ‘Who caused the televised death of 12-year-old Mohammed al-Dura?’,, 2006. Available online: Accessed 23 June 2006.
[4] Geoff Pahoff, ‘Dead Strawman Bounce (Part II)’, Webdiary, 16 June 2006. Available online: Accessed 23 June 2006.
[5] Sheryl Gay Stolberg, ‘Bush Compares Iraq War to Hungary’s Uprising’, The New York Times, 22 June 2006. Available online: Accessed 23 June 2006.
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