It’s gone awfully quiet out there in neocon land. They’re not putting up much of a fight to help their man in to the White House to replace Bush. And what little fight they are putting up seems half-hearted and even defeatist, somehow accepting of what seems inevitable – an Obama win.
‘Weekly Standard’ neocon writer Fred Barnes pens an article titled, ‘Worst Case Scenario: What an Obama administration and a heavily Democratic Congress would accomplish’. Fellow neocon writer, Terry Eastland, also writing in the current issue of the ‘Weekly Standard’, titles his piece; ‘Night of the Living Constitution: Explaining the judicial consequences of an Obama presidency’. They seem somehow resigned to an Obama victory – a victory that will bring about the end of neocon power and influence, and foreshorten their dream of a ‘New American Century’ by some ninety two years.
And where’s Dick Cheney? We haven’t heard anything from him. He always was one to keep a low profile publicly but now it’s almost as if he’s disappeared off the planet. He hasn’t actually dropped off the planet (unfortunately), but rather than being out their pushing McCain and his 'lets have more of the same' ideology, Cheney’s just doing a little bit of quiet campaigning and fundraising up in a Chicago suburb for GOP candidate Marty Ozinga. All very low profile.
So, what’s going on? After all the effort they went to in order to get power by cheating at the ballot box and defrauding the electorate, starting wars with lies and worse, whittling away the Constitution, depriving peoples of their rights, robbing the treasury, awarding themselves massive contracts, handing over massive amounts of taxpayers money to their mates in the banks so the banks can lend it back to the taxpayer, shove the world to the brink of another Great Depression, flex a few wasted and now ineffectual muscles in the general direction of their arch enemy Russia, squawk on pointlessly about a Palestinian state that they know is never going to happen and generally turned a comparatively peaceful and almost flourishing world into a brutish nightmare for millions, are they really just going to walk away?
As I said, it’s gone awfully quiet out there in neocon land. Far too quiet. They’re up to something. Do the neocon writers know something the rest of us don’t to the point where they feel they don’t need to put too much effort into getting their man up? Is this the right-wing lull before the storm of what may be their final thrust for power that will ensure that the ‘New American Century’ will indeed go the full distance?
If, as they say, a week is a long time in politics, then three weeks out from an election can seem like an eternity within which anything happen. Heave a sigh of relief if nothing happens, but don’t say you weren’t warned if it does. The likes of Cheney and his band of power-hungry warmongering lunatics rarely walk away from anything – especially after having come this far.
They are waiting for just the right moment so that the Obama campiaign will unable to respond in time. The Republicans have the big media on their side and when McCain releases something dirty you can betcha the media will give it plenty of airtime. The Democrats will be left out with no time or exposure to respond. The media and the Republicans are partners to the crime. The Republicans will not let this go without a dirty fight on all fronts. The mind boggles how a thinking person a vote for them. Obama is America's only choice. The fact is that a vote for anyone else besides Obama is a vote for Mcain. I wonder if people have learnt there lesson the last eight years.
You don't beleive it's possible that they might be shamed at the enormity of the crimes and their failure, as happened after WW2 in Germany?
Media massaged denialism is too strong?
Obama strikes me as being another Rudd. He won't challenge the paradigm, but reinforce and rehabilitate the image of capitalism.
But it's to be hoped that the talk of reregulation brought in through international government cooperation might occur, given how close to collapse things have got.
I wonder to what extent the fascists could use the "old maid" credit defaults as political leverage, or whether they are diffused too unevenly throughout the financial comunity to be used by some structured big capital entity for that purpose.
The neo cons, with ideology as cover, certainly haven't minded ruining America or putting the world into a suffering mess, so I suppose we'll find out if the politicians have a gun at their heads or not, if anything is introduced to bring genuine accountability back to global capital- Even politicians must see how counterproductive things are not least for themselves and their own families.
I wouldn't exactly call going after the registered voters being quiet. The Mickey Mouse shenanegans for once show what they been "up to". They are preparing to challenge EVERY single vote cast for Obama if need be. And since Diebold machines are owned by a Republican I am pretty sure they are quietly writing the soft to ensure a McCain win.
In all actuality, what will be the real difference if Obama win? He will still continue the imperialistic ways of Imperial Americana. He might(big might) take out SOME of the solders from Iraq but he has already said he will concentrate on Afghanistan and Pakistan because after all Iraq is all won. USA got Iraq, so it has to move toward the rest of the Middle East: Afghanistan, Pakistan and eventually Iran. Obama WILL continue the Neocons agenda; no question about it. The ONLY good thing is he won't be a triger happy half nut case as McSame is so he won't be as likely to nuke somebody just to show off what a tough muther he is.
'So, what’s going on? ..... awarding themselves massive contracts, handing over massive amounts of taxpayers money to their mates in the banks so the banks can lend it back to the taxpayer, shove the world to the brink of another Great Depression, flex a few wasted and now ineffectual muscles in the general direction of their arch enemy Russia, squawk on pointlessly about a Palestinian state that they know is never going to happen and generally turned a comparatively peaceful and almost flourishing world into a brutish nightmare for millions, are they really just going to walk away?'
This sums it up, Damien....AND yet we call our societies democratic! And all these wars we are supposed to applaud and particiapte in are wars for freedom and democracy.
Has civilisation ever sunk any lower into anjet stupidity?
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