Already the right-wing Zionists across the board of Israeli politics are calling for a national emergency government in order to cater for, as Ehud Barak the Israeli Labour leader puts it, ‘the political, financial and security challenges’ Israel faces. He has, it seems, the support of Benjamin Netanyahu of the Likud Party.
Such a move would deprive Israelis of a right to elect a new government if the leader-elect of the Kadima Party, Tzipi Livni, is unable to form a coalition government. According to a report last Wednesday, talks between Barak and Netanyahu have resulted in an agreement whereby Netanyahu would become the Prime Minister of such a national emergency government until such time as elections take place either at the end of 2009 or when they are due in 2010 when Barak would take over as premier.
So why the rush to form a ‘national emergency government?
The extreme right wing Zionists – and make no mistake here, despite being leader of what is supposed to be a ‘leftish’ party, Barak is an extreme right-wing Zionist – need to form a government before the Bush presidency ends in order to guarantee support for an attack against Iran, Hizbollah, Syria and Hamas. An Obama presidency will be of no use to a right-wing Zionist government. Obama is unlikely to support such moves and the Zionists can’t afford to wait and see if McCain becomes president.
As always when it comes to Israeli politics, a lot of water can pass under the bridge in a very short space of time and alliances between politicians and parties can be made one moment and switched again the next. One thing is for sure however; if Netanyahu and the extreme right Zionists get up a government before Bush leaves office then Israel, the Palestinians and the entire Middle East can look forward only to more war and more misery.
What's the difference between a "right-wing Zionist" and a "far right-wing Zionist"?
You use them so often and interchangeably, it's like crying wolf, especially when applied to the leader of the Labour party.
It's difficult to know when to ascribe the more 'serious' mode between all these wild descriptions.
P.S this is a message for you, not your readers. I don't care if it's posted or not.
Zionists generally are by definition, right-wing. Some regard themselves, nonetheless, ‘left-wing’ because they have some social values that may be considered generally to be left-wing. They like, for example, the idea of a welfare state, decent pensions for the elderly, free education, free health, etc., which is all very well but they want it only for Jews. Their left-wing social tendencies, however, do not extend to foreign policy ideas and these Zionists in that sense remain firmly right-wing nationalists.
Extreme right-wing Zionists, on the other hand, do not have the same social values of those Zionists that regard themselves as left-wing. Extreme right-wing Zionists are generally even more nationalistic, some to the point of fanaticism, and also support right-wing domestic, social and economic policies as well. The one thing they all have in common is their desire to create an Israel that is exclusively Jewish and precludes the notion of an independent Palestinian state.
Does throwing or expeling all Jews out of Palestinian lands also equate to an "exclusively" Palestinian state?
And isn't this just as condemnable?
Indeed it is - which is why I support the one state bi-national solution whereby the whole of Palestine and the area occupied by Israel becomes one under a secular democratic government.
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